Ame Norihiko Kamei

雨 亀井 紀彦

Loving the grandeur of nature in a single indoor scene or in the palm of our hand.

This may be a very Japanese sentiment, similar to bonsai, tsuboniwa gardens, and the veranda.

The works created by Norihiko Kamei, an artist and flower arrangement artist, are not only fresh flowers, but also preserved flowers and art flowers, all of which are intended to bring a sense of enrichment to the viewer's heart, just as one feels when looking at nature.

With this wish in mind, he named the group of works "Rain".


自然の壮大な景色を、室内の一画や手のひらの中で大切に愛でる。 それは盆栽や坪庭、縁側にも通じる、とても日本的な情緒かもしれません。

美術作家・華道家の亀井 紀彦が生み出す作品は、生花だけでなく、プリザーブドフラワーやアートフラワーを用いたものもすべて、自然を目にしたときのように心が潤う感覚をもたらす作品でありたいと思っています。 そうした願いから、作品群を「雨」と名付けました。


Born in 1981 in Osaka.

Graduated from Tokyo Zokei University Graduate School of Art and Design in 2007.

With an aesthetic sense inherent in Japanese culture, such as tea ceremony and flower arrangement, and a unique view of nature that drifts between the boundaries of the natural and the artificial, he creates works that express tranquil scenes.

In July 2020, he opened his atelier "Ame Kitakamakura" in Kamakura, Kanagawa Prefecture.


1981年 大阪府生まれ

2007年 東京造形大学大学院造形研究科卒業


近年は国内外で自身のアートプロダクトブランド「雨」を発表。2020年7月には神奈川県鎌倉市にアトリエ「雨 北鎌倉」を構える




2007 Tokyo Zokei University, Graduate School, Graduation work "ZOKEI Exhibition" ZOKEI Prize

2012 Obtained master of Sogetsu School of Ikebana

2019 "MJ Award" MONO JAPAN 2019

2019 "Young Designer Award 2019" IFFT/Interior Lifestyle Living 2019